n Bible times it was the custom to anoint distinguished visitors and guests with fragrant oil on their heads to show great respect and love. It was an honor to be anointed by the master of the house when invited to a feast. The kings of Israel were anointed by the prophets of God. David was chosen to be king in this manner. Anointing was also performed as people were consecrated, or set apart, for a special purpose.
Jesus once went to a feast at the house of Simon, whom Jesus had healed of leprosy. Simon failed to honor Jesus by anointing His head, but a woman who had been forgiven much anointed the feet of the Savior with costly oil, and Jesus said she had anointed His body for His burial.
e are accepted in Jesus Christ, the Beloved.
"You anoint my head with oil"
"You anoint my head with oil"
e are accepted in Jesus Christ, the Beloved.
The shepherd also uses oil to anoint his sheep. At the end of the day he leads the sheep back to the fold. He stands at the door of the fold and examines the sheep for any scratches and bruises received during the day, as one by one they go into the fold. He gently applies oil to the wounds. Some of the sheep may just be tired and weary, so he wipes away the grime of the day's travel from the faces and heads of the sheep and rubs on the soothing oil to clean and relax the sheep as they lie down for the night.
Jesus our Shepherd takes special care of us as we encounter the challenges and trials of every day. Through His Holy Spirit, He calms our fears, cleanses us through the forgiveness of sin, and anoints us with the oil of gladness. His oil heals and soothes our wounds. His anointing consecrates us and sets us apart for a special purpose.
When we accept Jesus as our Savior,
we have full assurance of our acceptance by Him.
We are "accepted in the Beloved" (Ephesians 1:6).
We will be honored guests at the banquet table in heaven!
We will share eternity with the King of the Universe!