What a comfort to know His protection and love!
What a comfort to know His protection and love!
   The STAFF of Jesus our Shepherd is the CROSS.  There is no greater drawing power to rescue us and draw us back to Himself than the love He demonstrated by His saving sacrifice to bring us back safely to the fold, even when we have wandered and strayed. 
   The STAFF of Jesus our Shepherd is the CROSS.  There is no greater drawing power to rescue us and draw us back to Himself than the love He demonstrated by His saving sacrifice to bring us back safely to the fold, even when we have wandered and strayed. 
    e can have
great assurance
through the
protection and
love of our Shepherd.
    e can have
great assurance
through the
protection and
love of our Shepherd.
   The Bible speaks of Satan going around as a roaring lion seeking whom he can destroy.  But Jesus our Shepherd protects us with His ROD, which is the WORD OF GOD.  When Jesus was tempted by Satan, he countered every attack with the words, "It is written."  Satan cannot overcome anyone who has the Word of God for his protection.
   The rod was a stout stick used to ward off wild animals. When David was caring for his father's sheep as a young man, a lion tried to take a sheep from the flock, and David killed it and saved the sheep.  David knew what it meant to put his life in jeopardy to save his sheep.

   The shepherd's staff had a crook or bow on the end that he used to guide the sheep and to draw them back from danger, rescuing them by drawing them back towards himself.
"Your rod and your staff, they comfort me"
"Your rod and your staff, they comfort me"
The shepherd always carried a rod and staff
when he took the sheep out to pasture.

   The Bible speaks of Satan going around as a roaring lion seeking whom he can destroy.  But Jesus our Shepherd protects us with His ROD, which is the WORD OF GOD.  When Jesus was tempted by Satan, he countered every attack with the words, "It is written."  Satan cannot overcome anyone who has the Word of God for his protection.