As we travel on the paths with Christ we encounter high mountains and low valleys. When we are on the mountain top, everything is beautiful and the way seems easy; but when we descend into the low valleys, the pathway sometimes seems hard to travel.
We learn more about the love of God from the hard times. It is the low valleys in life that cause us to stay closer to our Shepherd. There we learn how frail and weak we are and how much we need to depend on our Shepherd for all our needs and directions.
Because of His love, He guides us to righteousness through all the paths that He chooses for us--whether they be hard or easy. Whatever paths we encounter on life's journey, we can trust that God walks with us, makes known His love to us even in the hardest of times, and helps us to grow and mature and become strong in Him as we lean on His everlasting arms. It is with joy that we follow in the paths where He leads, because we know that He leads with love and for our greatest benefit and blessing.
"Let us fix our eyes on Jesus,
the author and perfecter of our faith. . .
Endure hardship as discipline;
God is treating you as sons."
Hebrews 12: 2, 7, NIV