ere, David has come into a more personal relationship with his Shepherd. He was talking about his experiences with Him, but now he is talking to Him. He has learned that the shadows of life cannot destroy anyone who is sheltered in the arms of the Shepherd.
ere, David has come into a more personal relationship with his Shepherd. He was talking about his experiences with Him, but now he is talking to Him. He has learned that the shadows of life cannot destroy anyone who is sheltered in the arms of the Shepherd.
No matter what the surroundings,
or perils, or hardships,
when the Shepherd is with us,
we can find comfort and safety.
No matter what the surroundings,
or perils, or hardships,
when the Shepherd is with us,
we can find comfort and safety.
"For you are with me"
"For you are with me"
How comforting to be sheltered in the arms of the Shepherd!
How comforting to be sheltered in the arms of the Shepherd!
Many fears exist in our imaginations. There are many evils in the world, many obstacles in the pathway, but the Shepherd is always in the front ahead of us to protect us, and He is powerful enough to keep us from danger.
Sometimes our green pastures are separated by dry deserts and dark clouds. We talk about our Shepherd when we are in green pastures, but we talk to Him when we are afraid. When it is dark, we get closer to our Shepherd. As we draw near, we learn that He is always there to protect us and shelter us in His loving embrace, and that we can talk to Him and listen as He talks to us.
Jesus said, "My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand."