he shepherd continually keeps watch over his sheep. If by chance one happens to tire and wander away or get lost, the shepherd leaves the flock in the pasture and goes to find the one that is lost. And when he finds it, he puts it on his shoulders and brings it back, rejoicing. The parable is told in Matthew 18:12, 13.
The shepherd treats the scratches and bruises when a sheep trips and falls. He never scolds the sheep, but holds it in his arms.
Jesus our Shepherd always watches over us. . . .
* When we are lost, He searches for us.
* When we are weary, He revives us.
* When we are sorrowful, He comforts us.
* When we are sick, He heals us.
* When we are weak, He strengthens us.
* When we are tempted, He brings us back from error and wandering.
He restores us back to the original condition we enjoyed with Him and wipes away the smudges and dirt and scratches we picked up along the way.
Jesus gives us perfect peace, if we submit to His restorative power. He often heals us physically, but He always heals us spiritually. The pain and sorrow and trials of this life are easier to endure, knowing that we will ultimately be safe in the fold with our Shepherd.
When we allow Jesus to be our Shepherd, we have a special place in the fold, not because of any merit on our part, but because of His sacrifice on our behalf, and His faithfulness and goodness and love.